In Software industries, people are following different SDLC. Now a days, Scrum is more popular among software industries. However, there are companies still following and believing in Waterfall and Modified waterfall SDLC. They are doing estimation of small size to large size projects. They are using different format of XLS file. I have put my experience and generate XLS file called Task Based Estimation Sheet which will be easy to use and maintain for project lead and project manager while doing estimation.
The XLS file contains 4 sheets:
- “Guideline” : There are few points which PM and/or PL needs to consider while doing estimation.
- “TBE” : it is an input area. PM and/or PL needs to break down each task into small bits and pieces and estimate them for different headings. At bottom of TBE sheet, there are general sections in which PM / PL needs to put efforts for common activities.
- “Summary” : This will be populated automatically based on values entered on TBE sheet. To know the cost of the project, PM/PL needs to enter only hourly rates for different types of resources in “Rate / Hr” column and they will get total cost of the project (Here, hardware cost is not considered which are used in the project).
- “Resource Loading”: Before going to client, PM needs to figure out the best team size, this sheet will help PM to design team within the budget constraint.
- Efforts should be in Hrs.
- I would like to advise PM/PL that tasks should be broken down into small bits and pieces like 2 Hrs, 4 Hrs, 6 Hrs and 8 Hrs. This makes PM/PL life easy while giving justification to stakeholders. If there is task of 48 Hrs then it would be difficult for PM/PL to justify this against stakeholder.
- All formula cells are in hidden stage if you want to see the formula then please respond me.
- You can contact me on my email ID if you want any addition / modification to the sheet.